Security Groups

Network Security Groups allow you to open traffic on a port-by-port basis. This flexible model can extend to create any number of situations, whether simple or complex while maintaining strict security.

Restricted by Default

By default, a raw instance only has port 22 open so you can SSH in after it's created. We don't want to expose your servers to anything a brand new instance isn't prepared for.

Closed Port Behaviour

If access is attempted to a port/IP combination that is not permitted, no connection will be established at all and the connection will time out when the connecting client terminates.

Best Practises

The best practise for creating your Security Groups is to make them as specific to a use case as possible in order to retain flexibility. The screenshot below shows an example of use-case groups being assigned to a server.

Security Group Assignment

For example, one might create individual Security Groups for SSH (port 22), Web Server ports (80 / 443), DB server ports (3306 / 1433 / 5432), and VPN access (port 1194). A single instance (even individual ports on the same server) can have multiple Security Groups assigned. For an application server, you could assign all of the above groups, thus opening it to the world on the defined ports.

You may later consider that exposing all ports, or ports which don't need to be exposed, can lead to unauthorized access. After you determine that you do not want SSH access open, and you could then remove the SSH Security Group from the server rather than modifying a large group for all servers that belong to it.

This practise will help you scale and manage your virtual network security beyond just a few servers, while knowing exactly which servers can access which resources and allow you to make quick security adjustments on the fly.

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Last updated on 11th Nov 2015