Application | ExpanDrive

When ExpanDrive has launched for the first time, you'll need to select the "OpenStack Swift" Drive Type. Then you will be prompted with a form to enter your configuration values.

ExpanDrive Login

Standard Login

For standard OpenStack Keystone authentication, which will authenticate to all of the containers in your Bulk Storage account, enter your specific credentials as follows:

    auth server  - or
    username     - your Cloud-A login username
    api key      - your Cloud-A password

Container Keys Login

For authentication using container specific API keys, which will authenticate only to the Bulk Storage container of your choice enter your credentials as follows:

    auth server  -<container_name> (replace with the name of your container)
    username     - Full-Key or Read-Key
    api key      - your Container Key

Testing / Debugging

Select “Validate Credentials” to ensure that the system has accepted your credentials.

If Test Connection fails, ensure that you have entered your credentials correctly. If you have entered your credentials correctly but are still receiving a “Connection Failed” error message, ensure that you have the correct ports open for Bulk Storage. Those ports are: 80, 443, 8443 and 8444.

Still need help? Get in touch!
Last updated on 6th Dec 2017