Application | Cyberduck

Cyberduck is a libre FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3, OpenStack Swift, Backblaze B2, Microsoft Azure & OneDrive, Google Drive and Dropbox browser for Mac and Windows.

When Cyberduck has launched you will be presented with the Connections view with your list of already existing external storage connections, or a blank list if this is your first time. On the top-left corner, you'll want to Open Connection to create a new connection to Bulk Storage. From there you can create your new connection to Bulk Storage.

Standard Login

For your new connection, you'll want to select the Swift (OpenStack Object Storage) connection type for standard OpenStack Keystone authentication, which will authenticate to all of the containers in your Bulk Storage account, you should enter your specific credentials as follows:

    Server               -
    Port                 - 8443
    Tenant ID:Access Key - Your Tenant ID & Username in colon separated format.
    Password             - Your Cloud-A Password

Alternatively, you can follow the instructions in the official Cyberduck Cloud-A howto docs.

Container Keys Login

For authentication using container specific API keys, which will authenticate only to the Bulk Storage container of your choice requires using a specialized .cyberduckprofile Cyberduck Connection profile.

You'll want to create a new clouda.cyberduckprofile file, and open it in your favourite editor. Then use the following template to create a Container Keys compatible Cyberduck profile.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
<plist version="1.0">
    <string>Cloud-A Container Keys Bulk Storage</string>
    <key>Default Hostname</key>
    <string>/keys_auth/{{ container name }}/v1.0/auth/tokens</string>
    <key>Hostname Configurable</key>
    <key>Port Configurable</key>
    <key>Password Placeholder</key>
    <string>{{ Full-Key Value }}</string>
    <key>Username Placeholder</key>
    <string>{{ Tenant ID }}:Full-Key</string>

Make sure to replace the values wrapped in {{ }} with your account and container specific information. Once the file is saved, you should be able to simply open it, and Cyberduck will open with your new profile ready to use.

Testing / Debugging

In order to test the connection, you'll need to press the "Connect" button in your Open Connection screen. If the connection is successful, the profile will save and you will be shown a list of your authenticated containers.

If the connection fails with a Certificate, DNS, or 404 Error, make sure you have the Server and Port values set. In some cases Cyberduck will attempt to automatically detect the type of connection you're trying to make based on the information you've added or changed to the connection form. This will quietly change the backend to something like "S3" or "WebDAV" without prompting you and cause your connections to fail with a 400 error. To remedy this, change the connection type in the drop down menu back to Swift.

Still need help? Get in touch!
Last updated on 12th Jan 2018